Monday, December 3, 2007

Sir Alladi commended in High Court

Dated October 7, 1953: Alladi Commended in High Court

In the Madras High Court before Mr. P. V. Rajamannar, Chief Justice and Justice Venkatarama Aiyar, Mr. V. K. Tiruvenkatachari, Advocate-General, referred to the deaths of Alladi Krishnaswami Aiyar, former Advocate-General, and S. Panchapakesa Sastri, a former Judge of the High Court. The Advocate-General said his mind went back to 1926 when he waited for months to become an apprentice under Mr. Alladi Krishnaswami Aiyar, and added, "We have to take lessons from the career of Mr. Krishnaswami Aiyar, who was responsible for producing from his Chambers, eminent Judges, eminent lawyers, and men who distinguished themselves in other walks of life. He was a lover of law in a manner that surpassed description, and he believed in perfection. Those who had watched him in the High Court have seen how perfect he was to a word in his study of his cases; many of his friends in fact felt sorry that, for over 17 years he devoted his service to Government not popular at the time, arguing and winning against many stalwarts."

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